Summit 2019: Access to Capital Panel Speakers
Each year, the Chamber focuses on a business topic or industry segment at an annual summit of business leaders. Chamber members have identified finding funds and securing loans as the #3 challenge to growth. The 2019 Summit will address Access to Capital for businesses with a series of presentations and how-to sessions.
Luncheon Keynote:
Walter Acuna, Vice President & Senior Business Lender, Craft3
"Alternative Lending: How it Works."
Other Summit topics include:
Taxes are Boring; Profits are Not
Eric Simpson, Brantley Janson
How to Write a Business Plan to Get a Loan
Rich Shockley, Business Advisor, Small Business Development Center at Highline College
PANEL: Show Me the Money: What You Need to Get It
Holly West, VP, Branch Manager, Columbia Bank
Jim Strehlow, Director Business Services, Red Canoe Credit Union
Kimaria Howard-Lewis, Business Banking Specialist, Wells Fargo
Ike Kim, Small Business Relationship Banker, Umpqua Bank