Working Washington Small Business Grants

Round 3: Working Washington Small Business Grants
The portal for the Working Washington Grant 3 is live as of December 2, 2020. Our friends at SBDC at Highline College are working with Department of Commerce and shared a few items to note.
The commerce application is only offered in English but they have put in place partner who can help with language translation. Here is a link to Commerce language support partners
Washington SBDC is assisting Department of Commerce field calls and respond to emails regarding grant questions and applications. The Portal went live at about 2:45 and by 2:00 there were over 100 emails receive and over 50 voice mails already looking for assistance so the demand is high. SBDC will be offering a training tomorrow for any businesses who would like to better understand the application process. Here is the webinar link to sign up.
Department of Commerce has notified us that these grants are not on a first come first serve basis but are determined by need and consideration to any prior funding. Prior funding does not exclude a business so they should apply.
For questions related to the grant applications a business may call Commerce at 360-725-5003. These calls will be handled by both Commerce and the SBDC Center for Business Resilience and SBDC advisors. The call center will be open from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM and will remain open through the weekend. Calls and emails received after hours will be contacted the following morning on a priority basis.
Information Checklist for Your Application:
- Applicant W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number
- Copy of valid government-issued photo I.D.
- For tribal-member owned businesses: license or certification if business activity is conducted outside the tribal jurisdiction; letter or certification from the tribe recognizing you as a business if business activity is within the tribal jurisdiction.
- Copy of 2019 Tax Return or other confirmation of Business Gross Revenues for 2019.
- For businesses with a physical location, evidence of that location, such as lease, tax statement, utility bill, etc.
- NAICS code or clear description of your primary business activity. A NAICS code is helpful, but not necessary. If you have never used a NAICS code, you can learn more here: explore NAICS codes to see which one fits your business. OR visit Department of Revenue, search by business name, review the detail under Excise tax and reseller permit status: this will show the NAICS that was assigned by the state.